Check Up

Silence is cancer's best friend is the central message of Europe Against Cancer week starting today

Silence is cancer's best friend is the central message of Europe Against Cancer week starting today. Ireland, with the second highest incidence of cancer in Europe, joins with all member-states of the EU in focusing on the problems of breast cancer and cervical cancer and aims to encourage women to be alert to early warning signs in an effort to increase the rate of early detection. Seminars take place in the following venues this week; tonight in the Westcourt Hotel, Drogheda, 8 p.m.; Wednesday in the Headfort Hotel, Kells, Co Meath, 7.30 p.m.; Friday in the Corrib Great Southern Hotel, Galway, 7.30 p.m. Details of seminars taking place later in the month in Cavan, Monaghan, Dublin, Naas and Wicklow from the Irish Cancer Society, freephone: 1800 200700

Next Saturday there will be an Asthma Information Day at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The day is spon- sored by Allen and Hanburys and will provide information on all aspects of the condition; there will be peak flow stations where people can learn to moni- tor their asthma; specially trained nurses will demonstrate various inhalers and will check how well people use inhalers as they can often grow less effective with casual use. New stands on asthma in the work- place, asthma management and common allergies will suggest ways for people to become more involved in self-management and there will be doctors and nurses on hand also to talk to people. Admission is £2 for adults, £1 for children, £5 for families; some concessions will apply.

Parentline hosts a day of public seminars in the Royal Dublin Hotel, O'Connell Street on Wednesday at 10.30 a.m., 2 p.m., and 7.30 p.m. Topics include separation, divorce, 1,001 ways children drive parents crazy, drug/alcohol abuse, bullying, exercising authority with teenagers. Details (01) 8733500. All welcome, admission and creche free.

The Irish Psycho-Analytic Association series of lectures on "The Unconscious and Soci- ety" continues with a talk on local peace-making through community conferences by Thomas Scheff, Professor of Sociology, University of Cali- fornia, Santa Barbara with Nora Owen TD in the chair. Tickets are £10 and the talk starts at 8 p.m. on Friday in Newman House, St Stephen's Green, Dublin.


Also on Friday the Irish Group Analytic Society autumn lecture takes place in the Dublin Institute of Technology, Aungier Street, Dublin 2, at 7.45 p.m. Jarlath Benson, a group analyst from Belfast, will give a talk on Ireland and the Disunited Kingdom: War and Peace in the Unconscious. Admission £6, £4 members and £2 unwaged.

The Miscarriage Association of Ireland is holding a public meeting "Acknowledging the Loss of Our Tiny Babies" next Saturday in the Royal Dublin Hotel, O'Connell Street, Dub- lin 1, at 2 p.m. Dr Pat Tunney and Father Brian Nolan are the guest speakers; parents will also share their personal expe- riences.

The closing date for bookings for the annual conference on Montessori education hosted by the Association of AMI Teachers is Wednesday, October 15th. The conference takes place on Saturday, October 18th and this year for the first time it is open to the public. Speakers include Lynne Lawrence, director of training from the Association Montessori Internationale in London and Eduardo Cuevas from AMI Puerto Rico and Hartford, Connecticut. Mrs Renilde Montessori, granddaughter of Dr Montessori will also attend. Information from

Gemma or Eve on (01) 2833244 (tel) and (01) 2833248 (fax).