
Basal Cell Carcinoma Early last year I noticed a couple of dry, rough spots on my forehead

Basal Cell CarcinomaEarly last year I noticed a couple of dry, rough spots on my forehead. As they did not go away I went to a dermatologist who diagnosed "basal" skin cancer. He said I got them from the sun but as I'm not one for sunbathing I wonder how I got them.

"Sun spots", otherwise known as solar keratoses, commonly occur in those who are exposed to sunlight. Fair-skinned people and those of us with Celtic backgrounds are particularly prone to the effects of the sun. In some people these lesions can develop into either a basal cell or a squamous cell cancer.

Basal cell cancer, the type you had, is the most common and least dangerous type of skin cancer. It usually develops on the face and neck and is easily treated. Squamous cell cancer tends to appear on the hands, forearms, face and neck but can spread to other parts of the body if left untreated. A rarer form of skin cancer called Melanoma is the most dangerous type and can start in a mole anywhere on the body.

It is a common misconception that if you don't sun bath, your skin cannot be damaged by the sun. However, the sun produces ultraviolet radiation with two types, UVA and UVB, reaching the earth's surface. Both are known to damage the skin and can cause skin cancers. If you work outdoors or take part in any outdoor activities or hobbies, your skin is at risk of damage. Gardening, fishing, golfing, cycling or even walking are all very healthy activities but how many of us remember to protect our skin from the sun?


Any tips on protecting the skin from the sun's harmful effects?

Try to avoid direct sunlight particularly when the sun is at its strongest and always wear a wide-brimmed hat and long-sleeved tops and trousers to protect the limbs. When out and about get into the habit of using a sunscreen (factor 15+) on exposed skin and renew it frequently. In particular, be aware of reflected sun on cloudy days and drying winds. Between April and September when the sun is at its strongest in Ireland, be particularly vigilant. And remember to keep children well covered and use a high factor (30+) sun cream designed for young skin. Any changes in the skin should be reported to your doctor.