
This week Check-up looks at Emphysema

This week Check-up looks at Emphysema


For a number of years I've had a touch of bronchitis, but now my doctor says I've got emphysema. What exactly is this?

Emphysema is a lung condition where the healthy elastic type tissue in the lungs is damaged and is unable to squeeze the air in and out properly. Think of it like this; the lung tissue becomes flabby and perished and air cannot move in and out of the air sacs as easily as it once could.


The lungs are central to bringing oxygen into the body and if the supply needed is reduced then the lungs must work harder to circulate the air.

How did I get it?

Emphysema is almost always caused by cigarette smoking. Although the condition is approximately 13 times more common in smokers than non smokers, other irritants can cause it such as industrial fumes or dust.

When cigarette smoke is inhaled approximately 80 to 90 per cent remains in the lungs causing irritation to the delicate lung tissue.

Mucus and tar clog up the airways causing chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Emphysema causes the typical smokers cough and difficulty clearing the chest.

Well I've smoked for many years. Is there any point in giving them up now?

Do you have to ask? Giving them up now will help prevent further deterioration to your lungs and your breathing, so the answer has to be yes. People with emphysema are more prone to chest infection and this can lead to pneumonia.

Severe emphysema can eventually lead to heart and respiratory failure. In addition you should avoid smoky atmospheres and other irritants such as paint fumes and dust.

Keep as fit as you can and when your well get some exercise in the fresh air.

Make sure you get adequate rest and avoid people with colds or flu. If you haven't done so already, go and get the flu jab.

And while you're there get some advice on smoking cessation.

And most importantly if you develop a chest infection see your doctor as soon as possible as you may need antibiotic treatment.