Sleep disturbance: I haven't had a full night sleep in the last two weeks. I'm now snappy and irritable and need to get some decent sleep before I go completely crazy.
Why is this happening to me?
Insomnia is the term used to describe problems getting to sleep, difficulty staying asleep and early morning waking. The first thing to say is that the amount of sleep needed varies from one person to the next. For some four hours suffices while for others nine hours is not enough. Sleep needs also reduce as we get older.
Usual patterns of sleep can be disturbed by psychological and physical factors. Anxiety, depression, restless legs, sleep apnoea, breathing problems and pain can all contribute to a disturbed night's rest. And of course as any new parent will testify the arrival of a baby can induce insomnia.
Well, none of these factors apply to me. All that's changed in my life is that I took a couple of well earned weeks off work at the end of December, but since going back I lie awake for hours watching the clock.
When we go to bed and get up at roughly the same over a period of time, sleep becomes a habit. If we change the pattern - staying up late and compensating with lie-in the next - the body's internal clock resets itself.
You must be psychic - that exactly what I did. But how I get my usual pattern back?
Try to re-establish a pre-bedtime routine. Avoid heavy meals late in the evening, or drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol. Trying to sleep when you are emotionally upset can be challenging so resolve personal conflict well before bedtime. Have a warm bath and a milky drink and don't read or watch TV while in bed. Some experts suggest strenuous exercise before bedtime does not help sleep. However, they didn't specify the benefits or otherwise of exercise in bed!
What about sleeping tablets?
Hypnotic drugs - sleeping tablets - can help when taken for two or three nights but problems can occur if you become dependent on them.
Unless insomnia is a chronic problem most sleep difficulties can be resolved naturally without recourse to medication. Sweet dreams.