
Check-Up this week looks at Dandruff

Check-Up this week looks at Dandruff


I know you couldn't really call it a medical problem but I have dandruff and it's making my life hell. I'm 17 and I constantly look like I've been caught in a hail storm! My friends all slag me about it and it's wearing me down. Why have I got it?

Dandruff can be socially embarrassing, especially during the teenage years. The condition is due to the excessive production of small flakes of dead skin on the scalp. Like skin elsewhere on the body, the cells of the outer layer of the scalp skin (the epidermis) die and are constantly replaced.


The dead cells then move to the outer surface of the skin and then flake off. There are some factors that can aggravate the problem and these include stress, poor diet, poor hygiene and allergies.

Dandruff in teenagers is often due to fluctuating hormonal levels. Dandruff can also be caused by a condition known as seborrhoeic dermatitis; this is thought to be the most common cause of dandruff.

Every week I buy a new anti-dandruff shampoo but I've still got the problem.

There are a large number of anti-dandruff shampoos on the market and you may have to try several before you find one that suits you best. Once you have identified a product that helps you, stick to it. Try not to use gel or wax products in your hair as they can aggravate the problem.

Apart from the flakes I've also noticed that my scalp is often very itchy.

If you are experiencing severe dandruff and an itching scalp you may be suffering from either dermatitis of the scalp or psoriasis. Make an appointment to see your doctor so that he/she can examine your scalp for evidence of these conditions.

Psoriasis of the scalp responds well to treatments containing coal tar. If itching continues to linger, a steroid scalp lotion will help ease the discomfort.

Meanwhile, on a practical level remember that dandruff shows more on plain, dark colours so stick to patterned and lighter clothes until the problem has been resolved.