Colonic Hydrotherapy and Health Maintenance

What is it? Colonic hydrotherapy is a form of internal detoxification

What is it? Colonic hydrotherapy is a form of internal detoxification. It involves flushing purified warm water gently through the back passage into the colon and the rest of the large intestine and out through a larger tube to clear out accumulated waste matter. Colonic hydrotherapists believe that many illnesses are caused or aggravated by problems in the gut. The premise is that faecal matter containing toxins and bacteria may putrefy and harden, disrupting bowel function and slowly poisoning the body.

What does it treat? Colonic hydrotherapy is a direct treatment for serious constipation, offering immediate relief. Cleaning out the bowel can also help treat irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, candida and yeast infections. Colonic hydrotherapy enables the bowel to be repopulated with so-called friendly bacteria which help control the bacteria which cause intestinal ailments. Colonic hydrotherapists are very wary of people who want colonic hydrotherapy purely for weight loss. It is also not recommended for those with heart or kidney problems, piles, high blood pressure, bowel cancer or severe diabetes. It is not suitable for pregnant women or those who are severely overweight.

A first timer's experience (26-year-old psychologist): "I had read a lot about Western nutrition and the problems it can cause in the colon. These can result in devastating health effects. I believe that there can be huge benefits gained from detoxifying the body. So, it was with this in mind that I went for colon hydrotherapy.

"To begin with, I felt I was in safe hands because the therapist was coming from a medical background. She talked to me for about an hour before beginning the treatment and then for about half an hour afterwards. I will admit that I felt scared of the procedure (which took about 45 minutes) but there is no need for fear.


"From the point of view of discomfort, the therapist was remarkably good at making sure my dignity was kept intact. There was no pain whatsoever, although I was aware of the procedure. In fact, the sensation of warm and room temperature water passing through your system is mildly pleasant. "The benefits I gained were not only physical. I would honestly say that I had 300 per cent more energy afterwards. I had a lightness of being and better concentration. But, also I felt released from a lot of stress. Worry and tension seeped away. You clean your teeth, so why not clean your colon?

An advocate's view: Joseph Maguire (43) is a complementary health practitioner. "I'd been aware of colonic hydrotherapy for a number of years before I had it done. It kept presenting itself as something which would benefit me. Although I didn't have any specific medical complaint, I was not comfortable with the level of my health. My energy was low and my digestive system was sluggish.

"I began initially with four appointments at weekly intervals. I found it deeply cleansing on a physical level. I felt a great deal lighter, physically and mentally, after each session and the benefits were cumulative. My digestive system began to function better.

Also, it cleared out a lot of emotional detritus - particularly fear - which I believe I held in my gut. Now, I go occasionally, about once a year. I have been aware of the huge mind/body connections, but this therapy has been a powerful demonstration of it for me.

The medical view: Dr Muiris Houston, Irish Times medical correspondent, says: "I would be concerned about claims that colon hydrotherapy could prevent colon cancer. Claims that the treatment will help `emotional problems' and `cutting ties that bind' are questionable also. Anyone contemplating an invasive therapy such as this should ensure that the practitioner adheres to the highest possible standards of sterilization and infection control."

The Colonic International Association can be contacted on 0044-1442827687. All therapists on their register must have either a medical training or a diploma in anatomy and physiology. Dr Eno-Mark (01-2781215) is a Dublin-based colonic hydrotherapist. A session with her costs between £55 and £70.

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Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment