Coronavirus: 1,024 new cases and 12 further deaths reported in the State

HSE chief says ‘We’re a long way out of the woods, but better hope’

Chief medical office Dr Tony Holohan said the country was now in a ‘strong position’ in the fight against the virus .Photograph:Gareth Chaney/Collins

There were 1024 new Covid-19 cases and 12 further deaths reported by the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) on Sunday.

Sunday's figures bring to 3,686 the number of Covid-related deaths in Ireland and to 203,568 the number of confirmed cases. The median age of those who died was 76 with an age range of between 60 and 90.

On Sunday there were 178 Covid patients in ICUand 1,204 in hospital. There have been 35 Covid patients admitted to hospital in the past 24 hours. The five day moving average of new cases is 1,045 while the 14-day incidence rate accorss the State per 100,000 is 338. Monaghan still has the highest 14 day incidence per 100,000 at 738 with the lowest rate in Roscommon at 130.

HSE chief executive Paul Reid tweeted that “we’re a long way out of the woods, but better hope” noting that hospital numbers were reducing and there werenow three types of vaccine available.


On Saturday chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan urged people to break old habits such as waiting over the weekend when feeling unwell to call their GP. He said people should call their doctor at the first sign of any symptoms and should not leave their house or go to work if they have any cold or flu symptoms .

Nphet’s modelling expert Professor Philip Nolan said the country was making “really steady progress after a very challenging surge”. In a tweet on Saturday he said “if we keep this up we can drive infections to very low numbers and set the scene for phased, cautious, and controlled resumption of our priority activities”.

Meanwhile a further nine people with Covid-19 have died in Northern Ireland. Another 334 positive cases of the virus were also notified by the Department of Health on Sunday. There are 585 Covid-positive inpatients in hospital, 66 of whom are in intensive care.