Coronavirus: 1,496 new cases of virus reported in the State

Almost 250 patients in country’s hospitals with 54 of those in ICU

On Tuesday 392 patients were receiving hospital treatment for coronavirus in the North, with 47 in intensive care. File photograph: PA

A further 1,496 cases of Covid-19 have been reported in the State by the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet).

As of 8am on Tuesday morning, 248 patients were in hospital with the virus while 54 of those were in ICU.

The 14-day incident rate now stands at 493 per 100,000, its highest level since January 31st, the State’s chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan said.

Total doses distributed to Ireland Total doses administered in Ireland
9,452,860 7,856,558

Dr Holohan added that the average rate of people being admitted to ICU because of Covid-19 has double since last Tuesday – from three to six – while the prevalence of the virus continues to increase in nearly all age groups across 21 counties.


“I am keenly aware of the impact the public health advice has had on all in society,” Dr Holohan said.

“Making the decision not to attend work or socialise if you are displaying symptoms can be very difficult. Similarly, choosing to leave a family gathering or social event because it doesn’t feel safe is hard and can cause anxiety ... Unfortunately, the fact remains that incidence of Covid-19 in Ireland is continuing to increase.”

Dr Holohan highlighted the ability of vaccination to lessen the impact of new cases. Over 80 per cent of people in Ireland aged over 18 are now fully vaccinated, with over 90 per cent in receipt of at least one dose.

“ If we didn’t have vaccination our current 14-day incidence would be approximately 1,000 per 100,000 and we would be seeing up to 50 people admitted to hospital for every 1,000 cases reported. Instead, we are seeing about 20 people admitted to hospital for every thousand cases reported,” he said.

“We have an opportunity over the next few weeks to break the chains of transmission by continuing to follow the public health advice that is second nature to most of us at this stage. If you have any symptoms that indicate that you may have Covid-19 like cough, fever, headache, sore throat and blocked or runny nose – isolate and get a test immediately.

“Make plans to socialise safely and risk assess as you go, meet up with others outdoors, if possible, try to meet up in small groups and avoid crowds. If you do not feel safe, then leave. Ensure to attend for your Covid-19 vaccine when it is your turn to do so, particularly for your second dose.”

Northern Ireland

Earlier on Tuesday, the North’s Department of Health said seven more people with Covid-19 have died there.

Five of the seven died in the most recent 24-hour reporting period, while two additional fatalities were reported but had occurred previously.

It brings the total number of virus-related deaths recorded by the department to 2,258. A further 1,564 infections were confirmed on Tuesday. In the last seven days 10,099 people have tested positive for the disease. On Tuesday 392 patients were receiving hospital treatment for coronavirus in the North, with 47 in intensive care.

Meanwhile, the Moderna coronavirus vaccine has been approved for use in children aged 12 and over by the UK medical watchdog.

It is the second vaccine medication authorised for those aged between 12 and 17, after the Pfizer variety.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency said that it is up to the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation to advise the Government on whether children in this age group should be given the Moderna jab.

The regulatory agency said that the medication – also known as the Spikevax vaccine – is “safe and effective in this age group”.

At present, some children aged 12 to 15 are only offered the Pfizer shot if they are considered to be clinically vulnerable.

This week it was announced that all 16- and 17-year-olds in England will be offered the chance to book in for their first jab before August 23rd.

Other countries have successfully been vaccinating children for some time, but the UK has taken a more cautious approach to routinely offering the medication to younger children. – Additional reporting PA

Freya McClements

Freya McClements

Freya McClements is Northern Editor of The Irish Times