Detox diary: an inside story

Feeling tired and in need of a boost? Joe Armstrong was tempted to try a 10-day detox treatment. This is his verdict

Feeling tired and in need of a boost? Joe Armstrong was tempted to try a 10-day detox treatment. This is his verdict

Detoxing clears out the system. It can make you feel lighter, more focused and delighted, like when you finally clear out a wardrobe or spring-clean the utility room. It's physical, mental and spiritual renewal.

If you feel sluggish, consider a detox. If your job is on the line, consider a detox. As Belinda Viagas, in her book Detox: The Lazy Person's Guide, published by Newleaf, says: "You detox because you need to. It is a way to clean out all those difficult bits that can be hard to reach, and leaves you with a body that feels cleaner, shinier, and more easy to use - a body that will work more effectively, rather than feeling bunged up or 'dusty'."

There are books and products to help you do such a clear-out. For example, Vogel's Detox Box produced by Bioforce is a 10-day toxin elimination programme. Bioforce points out it's difficult to avoid toxins, with preservatives in food and environmental pollution. This results in a build-up of toxins within the body that can cause a major strain on your organs.


"The liver, kidneys and intestines, which normally filter natural toxins, can become overwhelmed with the difficulty of processing these man-made toxins." This leads to "digestion, circulation and metabolism being thrown out of balance", causing symptoms such as constipation, bloating, weight problems, poor skin condition and loss of energy.

The 10-day programme of herbal preparations devised by Swiss naturopath Alfred Vogel aims to "stimulate your body's natural filtering and detoxifying functions". Combined with a sensible diet, it promises to "eliminate the toxins that have been slowing you down".

Vogel recommends a 10-day detox twice a year. The herbal preparations "stimulate external secretions, so you can expect an increase in bowel movements and urine elimination. You may experience some mild discomfort in the first few days, but if this persists, decrease the recommended doses while keeping up the fluid intake".

The Detox Box comprises five natural herb preparations. Calendula Complex (meant to cleanse the lymphatic system - see right) and Solidago Complex (intended to cleanse and regulate the kidneys), 20 drops of each of are taken in a small amount of water or juice before breakfast and the evening meal. Two tablets each of Rasayana No 1 (for "getting things moving more efficiently through the intestines" and a remedy for constipation) and Rasayana No 2 ("helps maintain the function of the liver and urinary bladder, increasing the body's ability to break down toxins, which can then be sent out via the bowel and urinary tract") are taken with breakfast and the evening meal. During the day you are urged to drink at least 1.5 litres of plain water and two cups of Golden Grass Tea.

Bioforce offers a basic dietary guide for the detox. Caffeine is to be avoided, as is red meat, white flour, white sugar and alcohol. Dairy products should be limited. Brown rice is recommended.

Breakfast options include: fresh fruit juice, herbal tea or coffee substitutes; soaked or cooked dried fruit, oatmeal, porridge or muesli with plenty of added dried fruit (e.g., raisins, sultanas), seeds or nuts. Natural yoghurt or soya yoghurt with honey is also suggested.

Lunch options include vegetable soup; baked potato with tuna, humus or cottage cheese; rice or bean salad; green or mixed salad with a variety of dressings; oatcakes or ricecakes with vegetable paté; fresh fruit salad with yoghurt.

Dinner options include: rice and vegetables; grilled or baked fish with vegetables; wheat-free pasta with vegetables or a large salad; tofu burger with rice and vegetables; large mixed salad with beans or pulses such as chickpeas; vegetable stew with rice, millet or quinoa.

Day 1

Thirteen days before my big Four-O. I've some kind of a bug in my throat - mild, ticklish, nothing serious. I decide to try that 10-day Bioforce detox that was sent to me for review. My "treat" and inner cleansing in time for my 40th.

I'm surprised to discover how much of the dietary stuff we already have in the house - apricots, raisins and prunes. Thoroughly enjoy breakfast. We also happen to have pleasant-tasting non-dairy milk. Drops of Solidago and Calendula complex in water before meals taste all right. Tablets go down no problem. The Golden Grass tea is fine with honey - ghastly without it.

Day 2

Really looking forward to my food and mealtimes. I'm like a child tasting stuff. Relishing it. Good too to vary the diet and check out new things. I seem full of energy, firing on all cylinders. I'm being pro-active professionally and domestically, cleaning house today for my daughter's party.

I needed to visit the loo for bowel movements twice yesterday. And my third after breakfast today.I had a mild headache yesterday - never get headaches. I've moved off all dairy foods and red meats. I'd fish twice yesterday. Slept for a solid eight hours last night. Feel really relaxed.

Day 3

I'm enjoying the detox. I think part of the benefit is enjoying exercising control over one's appetite. Again, I have a mild headache.

Day 4

Felt astonishingly full of energy today. I was wide-awake at bedtime. I rarely watch TV but I went down to turn it on - there was no way I was going asleep. I think this is directly related to the detox. It's like I'm revving to go.

Day 5

Whether it is my imagination or not, I've never seen my skin looking clearer. I'm looking good, physically feeling good, balanced and self-aware. Bug in throat is gone too - that could be a coincidence, of course.

Day 6

Ruth [my wife] agrees: my skin looks and feels great. It hasn't been so smooth since pre-adolescence. The detox certainly seems to be eliminating impurities from my skin. Got lots of sleep last night, but I felt exhausted by my evening meal.

Day 7

Still looking forward to my meals, and we've stocked up on lots from the recommended diet. It's great discovering new tastes. Years since I tasted cottage cheese. Hated it then. But this stuff R. got is gorgeous.

Day 8

Feel tired. Three bowel movements in last 24 hours. I wonder if this is what's meant to happen.

Abstained from all tablets, drops and green tea at breakfast and rang Bioforce helpline. Alison Cullen, nutritionist with Bioforce, said: "For every meal that goes in, some waste product should come out." People who have two or more bowel movements a day feel better, eliminating toxic materials from their guts rather than having them "putrefy and ferment".

She tells me not to feel worried about feeling exhausted today. "It tends to happen as the body is putting more energy into the detoxifying process." By the way, she says pregnant women shouldn't do the detox or take any herbal remedy unless under a medical herbalist. Nor should anyone with organ disease like liver disease or kidney disease or with a serious complaint. They should always consult their doctor first.

"You often find that people who do have skin problems like acne don't realise that it's connected to poor elimination through, for example, the bowel. It's amazing what differences you see in people just by getting the bowel to move a little bit more regularly," she says.

I was a little surprised to hear that while clinical trials have been done on various herbs involved, no clinical trials have been done on the Detox Box as a package. I felt encouraged by the phone call to continue.

Day 9

Guests here tonight. A glass of wine is poured for me. I have two slight sips but don't really want it and leave it there.

Day 10

My familiarity with the toilet persists, but not excessively so. I've reduced my dosage of the Bioforce stuff by half, as recommended by nutritionist and the literature. Look forward to finishing the detox tonight. I do look well.

My skin is really clear. The detox has also tweaked my diet and I newly appreciate the importance of drinking lots of water.