Do your back a favour: think about your bag

Back and neck pain may be caused by carrying too much

Lighten the load in your bag to help ease back pain. PHotograph: Thinkstock

Do you really need the flashlight, stack of books or whatever else you carry around in a bag all day? Your too-heavy bag might be causing you back and neck pain.

A bag’s weight, and the corresponding shift in your posture, especially if you carry it on one shoulder, can strain muscles, tendons and ligaments. Over time, the compounded stress can cause injuries, tension headaches or even numbness and tingling in the arms.

While cleaning out your bag is a good step, carrying things is unavoidable. Try switching shoulders every once in a while to prevent overworking muscles on one side. Wearing a bag across your body allows trunk muscles to carry more of the load.

Choosing a bag made of lightweight material, with wide straps, can help. And backpacks distribute weight the best.