Fit for anything

Skiing part 4: The core muscle group includes the deep muscles of the abdominals, back, buttocks and thighs

Skiing part 4: The core muscle group includes the deep muscles of the abdominals, back, buttocks and thighs. Strong abdominals can ensure core strength and stability while skiing, improve your posture and help prevent injury. This exercise strengthens and tones the main abdominal muscle, the rectus abdominis.

Warm up gently before beginning exercise. Walk or cycle on an exercise bike for 10 to 15 minutes to warm the muscles and increase the heart rate.


Lie on the floor with knees bent and in line with hips, and lower back pressed into the floor (see right). Place hands unclasped behind head with elbows pointed out to the side.


Do not strain your neck, look towards your knees as you raise your shoulders and chest. Exhale on raise and inhale on return.

Do three sets of eight repetitions.


Lie flat on the floor, with your lower back pressed into the floor, and bend your knees towards your chest. Hold gently for 30 to 40 seconds. Cool down after exercise by walking or cycling on an exercise bicycle for 15 minutes to bring the heart rate back to normal.

Please ensure you have consulted your GP before embarking on an exercise programme.