Former rugby international Keith Wood to chair health council

Olive Loughnane and Ruth Scott among members of initivative to promote wellbeing

The former Ireland rugby captain Keith Wood is to be appointed chairman of the first Healthy Ireland Council at a function in Dublin Castle tomorrow. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times.

The former Ireland rugby captain Keith Wood is to be appointed chairman of the first Healthy Ireland Council at a function in Dublin Castle today.

Other members include Olympic walker Olive Loughnane, RTE 2FM DJ Ruth Scott and Irish Times health columnist Dr Jacky Jones.

Healthy Ireland is a government initiative aimed at promoting and improving the health and wellbeing of the population over the coming generations.

In a statement, the Department of Health said the establishment of the council was "the most significant action within Healthy Ireland to leverage engagement with whole-of-society".


“The Council will provide the platform to connect and mobilise communities, families and individuals into a national movement with one aim: supporting everyone to enjoy the best possible health and wellbeing.”

Keith Wood is a former Irish captain and played for both Munster and on the Lions tour.

Today is the inaugural meeting of the council which will have 37 appointed members.

Minister for Health James Reilly will also welcome Dr Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organisation (Who) to Dublin Castle for a series of meetings with senior health officials where a number of issues will be discussed including measures on tobacco control.

The full membership of the council is:

Keith Wood (chair), founding director of W2 Consulting

Inez Bailey, director of the National Adult Literacy Agency

Sharon Cosgrove , CEO of the Asthma Society

Suzanne Costello , CEO of Alcohol Action Ireland

Catherine Darker, assistant professor of health services research, Trinity College Dublin.

Ronnie Fay , executive director of Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre

Richelle Flanagan, president of the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute

Prof Mary Flynn, chief specialist in public health nutrition at the Food Safety Authority of Ireland

Tony Geoghegan , chief executive of Merchants Quay Ireland drugs and homeless services.

Phil Goodman , founder of the ‘Young at Heart Douglas Senior Citizens’ group, Cork

Linda Grealy, retired senior civil servant

Aoife Hearne, member of the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute

Dr Tony Holohan, chief medical officer in the Department of Health

Dr Jacky Jones, retired health promotion official and columnist in The Irish Times Health and Family Supplement

Maureen Kavanagh, CEO of Active Retirement

Paula King, executive coach, president of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council

Olive Loughnane, statistician and World Championship silver medallist in athletics

Amanda McCloat, head of home economics department at St Angela’s College, Sligo

John McCormack, CEO of the Irish Cancer Society

Dr Shari McDaid, director of Mental Health Reform

Christine Moloney, CEO of Ireland Active

Tony O’Brienm director general of the Health Service Executive

Sarah O’Connor, CEO of the Federation of Irish Sport

Dr Mareesa O’Dwyer, research officer in Early Childhood Ireland

Dr Stephanie O’Keeffe, director of the health and wellbeing division in the Health Service Executive

Seónaid Ó Murchadha, project worker in the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability

Dr Donal O’Shea Donal, professor of medicine & endocrinology, University College Dublin

Maurice Pratt, chairman of Uniphar Plc

Bernie Quillinan, senior lecturer in the department of nursing and midwifery at the University of Limerick

Colin Regan, manager of the GAA’s community & health section

Dr Mark Rowe, GP

Ruth Scott, broadcaster on RTE 2FM Radio

Paul Sweeney, chief economist, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions

Kealan Thompson, student studying psychology in Dublin City University

Des Tomlinson, national coordinator for the Football Association of Ireland’s Intercultural Football programme

John Treacy, chief executive of the Irish Sports Council

Mary Van Lieshout, chairperson of Healthy Food for All

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.