Get that mole checked out

Some 90% of skin cancer cases are curable if spotted early

The Irish Cancer Society recommends checking moles regularly. Photograph: Thinkstock

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Ireland, and ultraviolet rays from the sun or sunbeds cause nine in ten cases. The Irish Cancer Society (ICS) recommends that people protect their skin every day from April to September, regardless of whether the sun is out.

The ICS says that 90 per cent of cases are curable if spotted early. In the case of melanoma, this could save your life. So get to know your skin. Check it every month, and if you notice changes, talk to your doctor. The ICS also recommends that you see a doctor once a year for a skin check.

Normal moles are usually evenly coloured and brown, tan or black. They could be flat, raised, round or oval and are usually smaller than the top of a pencil. Moles usually stay the same size, but if you notice a change, it could be becoming a melanoma.

Click here to download a body mole map that will help you examine your skin, record your spots and know what to look for.