Health gem

If you do one thing this week... take time out from the computer

If you do one thing this week. . . take time out from the computer

IF YOU work with computers, you’ll probably be familiar with the feeling of being a bit creaky after a long stint at the screen. When you are engrossed in a task, it is easy to sit hunched and squinting for far too long, and not realise it until your body reprimands you with aches.

So why not programme in frequent breaks? Perhaps you can set reminders on your phone or, if you know you are in for a long haul, prearrange meetings, or a tea-break with a friend, to get away from the keyboard.

If you use a Mac, there’s a nifty free tool called Time Out, which gently alerts you to take a 15-second break every 10 minutes (stretch, look away from the screen), and a proper time out of 10 minutes each hour. See or get it through the Mac App Store. You’ll need the latest version of Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.6) to access the Mac App Store under the drop-down Apple menu, at the top-left of your screen.