Health gem

If you do one thing this week... adapt your fitness routine to winter

If you do one thing this week . . . adapt your fitness routine to winter

It can’t have escaped your notice that the temperature has taken a nosedive in recent weeks.

And as winter sets in, it’s easy to want to curl up on the couch and hibernate instead of braving the elements.

But with a little forethought, winter exercising needn’t be such a chore. If dark, cold evenings are too off-putting or dangerous for going outside for a run or walk, could you opt for indoor workouts instead – like a stint on the treadmill, an exercise class or a pool swim?


And if you are still gung-ho to get outdoors, the Mayo Clinic’s website offers some handy tips for ensuring you keep safe and comfortable.

They include dressing in layers (avoiding cotton next to your skin), wearing reflective clothing so you are visible to motorists, and protecting your ears, feet and hands from the cold as they can still be vulnerable even when your core heats up.

See fitness/ HQ01681 for some hot – and timely – advice.