Health Scan

Lifestyle Q&A: Pat Fitzgerald, Ireland fan, hitchhiked from Cork to Poland for Euro 2012

Lifestyle Q&A:Pat Fitzgerald, Ireland fan, hitchhiked from Cork to Poland for Euro 2012

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

It’s just crazy with the fans out here but the lifestyle is not healthy at all. I’ve been running on adrenaline, that’s it. There is nothing healthy about it. It’s a departure from my normal life completely. I stayed in the campsite in Poznan, that was deadly craic. I stayed with guys from Bannagher last night and two guys from Dublin are putting me up tonight.

How often do you exercise?


Well, I hitched from Cork to Poznan so that was exercise.

Do you get your five a day?

I’ve eaten nothing yet today, I just haven’t had time. But recharging the batteries is vital on a trip like this. You can’t keep going if you don’t eat. When I was hitchhiking, the truck drivers all had sausage meat, chorizo, wurst, bread and mustard. I’m lucky, I’ll eat anything. There are a lot of Polish-style kebabs here. I’m getting no fruit or veg though. Zero. Nil.

Do you worry?

I’m getting a lift from two Dubs as far as England so I’m not worried about getting home. I’m worried about my throat after the past week of singing, drinking, talking and smoking. I’m doing a massive detox when I get home.

What do you do to relax?

Today for about an hour I went to the beach, I went for a swim and I lay down. We’ve made a point of going to a few small towns to chill out. We have complete down time, watch the other games that are on the telly and eat well.

What’s your unhealthiest habit?

Smoking, it’s the habit I want to kick. I’m smoking nearly 20 a day here. At home I smoke two a day and I’m quite happy with that. If I didn’t smoke two a day, I might be unhappy.

Pat Fitzgerald’s trip is in aid of the Alzheimers Society of Ireland. Follow themanwithnoplan2012 on Facebook