LIFESTYLE QA:Clelia Murphy, Fair City's Niamh
Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
Thinking you have a healthy lifestyle and having a healthy lifestyle are two very different things! I don’t smoke, I try to eat well and I do exercise, therefore I think I have.
How often do you exercise?
I am exercised by my two Heinz pouches, Ollie and Charlie, everyday with a good hour’s walk down the park. That hour not only brings joy to my body but also to my soul. As long as I have my iPod (it’s actually my daughter’s iPod that Santa brought her one Christmas but we share it), I can walk for hours.
I have been known to attend various gyms and up until recently I always found working out to be an absolute mind-melt of a bore. But, amazingly, in the past couple of years I’ve noticed a shift; I find myself actually enjoying my workout and I miss it when I don’t go. This monumental mental shift is in no small part thanks to my excellent personal trainer, Kevin Claxton, who I visit on occasion – and who, if nothing else, makes me laugh for the hour. The invention of the aforementioned iPod has also had a major influence.
Do you get your five a day?
I try, and I emphasise try, to be good Monday through Friday, particularly when I’m filming, but it all goes out the window at the weekend – woo hoo, yeah!
Do you worry?
When I was younger I would worry if I had nothing to worry about, but the older I get I tend to agree with what Baz Luhrmann has to say on the subject : “Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never cross your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.” Methinks it is better to do something than worry about it.
What do you do to relax?
I sleep.
What’s your unhealthiest habit?
That which is white, made from grapes and labelled Pinot Grigio, but only at the weekend – again, woo hoo, yeah!