Health Scan: Colette Fitzpatrick, broadcaster

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

Colette Fitzpatrick: Loves vegetables and salads.

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

I eat very healthily and I gave up smoking years ago. I’ve two young children now and I cover a lot of obesity stories so I’m very conscious of trying to pass on healthy habits. When you have children, your bad habits come under the microscope.

How often do you exercise?

I absolutely despise exercise. I hate even walking around the park; I’d rather be walking around a shopping centre. That’s when my heart rate rises, when I see a “sale” sign.


I tried a trainer once in the run-up to my wedding and I hated every second of it. The only exercise I’ve ever enjoyed is Zumba and Salsa. It didn’t feel like exercise, it felt like I was dancing in a club.

Do you get your five a day?

Definitely, I genuinely like vegetables and salads. I’m not a huge junk food fan at all. Since I’ve come back to work, I find it easier to have regular meals than I did on maternity leave.

Do you worry?

I do, and I wouldn’t say I’m any different to anyone else. In the evening, myself and my husband have an agreement not to talk about anything serious. If we have something serious to talk about, we’ll do it first thing in the morning so it has fizzled out a bit by the time we are going to bed. I’m not a great sleeper and things play on my mind. I have to read to lull me into a decent sleep.

What do you do to relax?

Cinema or a good book, I’m reading A Visit from the Goon Squad at the moment.

What’s your unhealthiest habit?

The lack of exercise.

After I had my last baby, I felt I really had to mind myself because I have to be here for them. I got a smear test, a breast check and I got my moles looked at. I’m hounding my husband to go and get an MOT done.

Colette is a supporter of the Oesophageal Cancer Fund and Lollipop Day.