Health scan lifestyle Q&A

Sallyanne Clarke, Restaurateur, l’Ecrivain

Sallyanne Clarke,Restaurateur, l'Ecrivain

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?

I’d say “yes” and “no”. Working in a Michelin-starred restaurant means I have the very best food at work, and then I’ve my own personal chef at home. Otherwise, I tend to live on takeaways – he cooks fish in the restaurant and I take it away home. He doesn’t use heavy creams or sauces so I would eat reasonably healthily.

How often do you exercise?


I get a lot of exercise in the restaurant, up and down two flights of stairs. I have an exercise bike at home and I use that four times a week. I do a couple of Zumba classes too – I like to dance.

Do you get your five a day?

I eat an apple and an orange every day. And I love spinach. If you just blanch it with a little bit of butter in a pan, it’s delicious. During the winter, I take supplements to keep my system going.

Do you worry?

Constantly. I worry about Derry and the kids, I worry about the business and I probably worry about things that may never happen. This recession has taken its toll on everybody, so I think everybody’s got to be a little more heightened and aware. I do worry, but I think that keeps you on top of your game too.

What do you do to relax?

A nice glass of Rosé wine and a bar of chocolate. I love to go on holiday with the kids and Derry. We close now for two weeks in August and it makes life a lot easier. We don’t have to worry about anything or anybody but ourselves.

What’s your unhealthiest habit?

Probably overdoing things and not delegating enough. I’ll come home after a long shift and stay up doing paperwork because my mind is racing, but I’ll pay for it the next day with tiredness. If I’m working that night, I have to have a siesta; if I don’t, I don’t have the energy to keep going.

In conversation with Joanne Hunt