Healthy Town blog: Positive aging

With most people living healthy lives until their 80s keeping active and keeping blood pressure down is vital

Get out and get active no matter what your age. Photograph: Thinkstock

The topic was positive ageing and the atmosphere was certainly positive. The sizeable group that gathered - many of them mature adults - to listen to Ciarán McKinney from Age and Opportunity had plenty to giggle about.

Ciarán made the topic really inclusive by engaging with the group and the attendees were delighted to weigh in throughout, with their own thoughts and ideas.

What age is “old”, he asked? Answers ranged from 60, to “as old as you feel”, to “if you are healthy, you are never old”.

There were nods of approval from all over the room at the Sheraton Athlone Hotel as Ciarán said that words like “ageing” and “older” are acceptable, in contrast to “old”, which he said has negative connotations. “I don’t think ‘old’ is a helpful word,” he said.


“In Age and Opportunity, when we talk about older people, we talk about 50 plus,” he said.

Pointing out that we now live longer and healthier lives than in the past, he added, “We can start doing things that help us to be healthier.”

Around five per cent of Irish people over the age of 65 live in residential care, he said. Guesses from the floor had ranged from eight to 20.

Most people live healthy lives until their 80s, he said, adding that keeping active and keeping blood pressure down is vital.

Many of those in attendance took heart from the advice given, as much of it applies to people of all ages. Examples given include walking to Mass instead of taking the car and taking the stairs ahead of getting the lift, where possible of course.

He also touched on the issue of smoking. “It’s never too late to stop smoking,” he said.

The components of healthy living are as follows, he said:

  • A positive attitude
  • Being sociable
  • Having social awareness
  • Forgiveness
  • Contentment
  • Gratitude
  • Being helpful

One good point he made was about interactivity. He advised everyone - particularly those living alone - that they should have at least 20 minutes of talking to someone every single day. “It is important we get some degree of social connection every day,” he said.

And what are the things people in the older age category should be doing, for good physical health? Here’s Ciarán’s recipe for good mental, emotional and social health:

  • Exercise
  • Good diet
  • Go to the doctor if necessary
  • Good sleeping patterns - aim for seven hours a night and have fewer gadgets in the bedroom

“There are people who suffer because they don’t look after their sleep,” he said.

What should you do if you can’t sleep at night, he asked? Some replied that you should keep trying, others suggested getting up and staying up. Ciaran’s tip: get up, have a cheese sandwich, go back to bed and you will sleep like a log!

This week is Week 5 of Healthy Town and a range of free fitness classes will take place throughout the week. A public talk on looking after your mental health, with psychologist Trish Murphy, will take place at the Sheraton Athlone Hotel at 7pm on Wednesday.