HSE to name southeast operator

The identity of the successful bidder to provide additional renal dialysis services for the southeast is expected to be announced…

The identity of the successful bidder to provide additional renal dialysis services for the southeast is expected to be announced today by the Health Service Executive (HSE).

Anger has been expressed over the HSE's refusal to allow an existing private clinic in Kilkenny to provide the service, at least until the new operation is up and running. The Wellstone Clinic was built last year by Irish company PEI Ltd for an estimated €2 million.

The clinic says it can cater for 48 renal dialysis patients a week, but the HSE told it earlier this month that its tender to provide additional services for the southeast was unsuccessful.

The Irish Kidney Association (IKA) and a number of hospital consultants have said a shortage of dialysis services in the region is causing unnecessary hardship to patients, many of them elderly.


Some are having to undergo dialysis treatment beginning after midnight three times a week, while others are travelling long distances for services.

Yesterday, IKA chairwoman Vera Frisby said that it was wrong that patients had to travel to Dublin three times a week for treatment while a local facility remains unused. The HSE, however, has said a comprehensive service will be provided for the southeast.

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley

Chris Dooley is Foreign Editor of The Irish Times