In Short

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

A round up of today's other stories in brief...

Eating oily fish may prevent eye disease

Eating oily fish and other foods containing omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of age-related eye disease, research suggests.

Scientists combined the results of nine studies looking at the effects of omega-3 on age-related macular degeneration (AMD).


The analysis, which pooled data from almost 90,000 study participants, showed that a high dietary intake of omega-3 was associated with a 38 per cent reduction in the risk of advanced AMD.

Eating fish twice a week was associated with a reduced risk of both early and advanced AMD.

Macular degeneration affects the centre of the retina, causing gradual loss of vision.

The study appeared in the journal Archives of Ophthalmology.

Fraud investigated at Milan clinic

Police have arrested 14 suspects in an investigation into fraud and murder at a Milan health clinic where prosecutors say doctors performed unnecessary surgery to get more money from insurers.

Nearly all of the suspects are doctors linked to a private clinic in a northeastern middle-class district of the city, Riccardo Rapanotti, head of Milan's finance police in charge of the investigation, said yesterday.

Over a two-year period, the suspects falsified medical files to defraud insurers of about €2.5 million, he said.

At least five patients died after unnecessary surgery performed at the clinic, he said, adding that the doctors disregarded risks posed by their old age or fragile health.

Examples included the removal of lungs for TB and the removal of the entire breast for a cyst, he said.

One victim who underwent mastectomy was just 18. "In many cases they [ the doctors] spoke of the patient with contempt [ considering him or her] as a money machine," said Rapanotti.