In Short

A round-up of today's other health stories in brief...

A round-up of today's other health stories in brief...

Education can help stave off Alzheimer's

Going to university and then choosing a mentally demanding occupation may help stave off the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, research suggests.

People showing the signs of neurological damage associated with Alzheimer's appear to suffer less memory loss if they had a long education and challenging job, scientists found.


Researchers believe mental stimulation may cushion against the effects of the disease.

"The theory is that education and demanding jobs create a buffer against the effects of dementia on the brain, or a cognitive reserve," said Dr Valentina Garibotto, from San Raffaele University in Milan, Italy.

Cancer: diagnosis and treatment

Reflexologist and trainer of reflexologists Carol Donnelly was inadvertently misquoted in an article on reflexology in last week's Healthplus. Donnelly was quoted as saying: "It's important that therapists are trained in cancer diagnosis and treatment."

In fact, she said, "It's important that therapists are trained in understanding how cancer is diagnosed and treated."

Muscles working in different ways

Research shows that the muscles of athletes work differently to those of sedentary individuals. Even when relaxing, they convert more of their energy into heat.