Investigation after woman dies in surgery at Holles Street

Malak Kuzbary Thawley died at the hospital in Dublin on May 8th

Malak Kuzbary Thawley with her husband Alan. Photograph: Facebook

The National Maternity Hospital has established an investigation into the death of a woman while undergoing surgery for an ectopic pregnancy earlier this month.

Malak Kuzbary Thawley died at the hospital in Holles Street on May 8th.

RTÉ News reported on Tuesday that Ms Thawley, a teacher from Syria, suffered a “vascular injury” during an emergency operation in the hospital.

Medical records show Ms Thawley, who was aged 34, was seven weeks pregnant when she attended Holles Street after a scan in a private clinic showed she had an ectopic pregnancy.


An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the embryo implants outside the womb. Such events are rare and pose dangers to the life of the mother.

A second scan confirmed the ectopic pregnancy and she was advised she would need surgery urgently.

The couple’s solicitor, Caoimhe Haughey, said they inquired about using Methotrexate, a drug used to speed up the miscarriage process. However, they were told the situation was urgent and Ms Thawley would need to be operated on.

The coroner has been notified of the case.

Master of the NMH Dr Rhona Mahony has commissioned an internal investigation into Ms Thawley's death.

Ms Haughey said her client was unhappy with the composition of the investigation team. Six out of seven members of the team are from Holles Street and the other, obstetrician Hugh O’Connor, is from the Coombe women’s hospital.

She said Ms Thawley’s death had been “devastatingly sad” for her husband Alan.

“He wants to know what happened and why, and so it is important the hospital is upfront and respects the duty of candour in respect of patients.”

A hospital spokesman confirmed a maternal death took place “during 2016”.

“Every maternal death is a deeply tragic event and as always our thoughts are with the loved ones of the deceased. As with all maternal deaths this case is subject to the Coronial process and the hospital is unable to make any comment.”

The terms of reference of the investigation say it will establish the factual circumstances leading up to the incident, identify any key causal factors that may have occurred, identify any contributory factors and make recommendations.

The investigating team has seven members and includes an external investigator. They are due to complete their work within 45 days.

The final report will go to Dr Mahony, the patient’s family, and the Ireland East Hospital Group.

Ms Thawley and her husband Alan, from the US, had been working in Ireland for the past three years. Mr Thawley is currently with family in the US.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.