Investigation under way into mother’s death after giving birth

Tracey Fitzpatrick gave birth to a boy at St Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny but died minutes later

St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny said it was currently focused on supporting the family at this very sad time. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

An internal review is under way at St Luke’s hospital, Kilkenny after the death of a womanshortly after she gave birth.

Tracey Fitzpatrick had a baby boy at the hospital on Easter Monday but died minutes later.

A spokeswoman for the hospital said the staff and management were “focused on supporting the family at this very sad time.

“A postmortem was performed yesterday and an internal review process has commenced, with a full external investigation to follow,” she said.


Ms Fitzpatrick is survived by her husband Bernard and their three children.


A report by the Confidential Maternal Death Enquiry, based in University College Cork, found there were 38 maternal deaths nationally between 2009 and 2012.

Ten were classified as direct maternal deaths, ie due to obstetric causes.

Twenty-one were indirect maternal deaths due to pre-existing conditions exacerbated by pregnancy.

Mortality rate

The rest of the deaths were attributed to “coincidental causes”; these are not included when calculating the maternal mortality rate.

The 2014 report from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) said Ireland’s maternal mortality rate is nine deaths per 100,000 live births. That figure is higher than 30 other countries worldwide, with 25 countries in Europe having a lower maternal mortality rate.

A mass for Ms Fitzpatrick will take place at 11am today at St Patrick’s Church, Rathoe, Co Carlow followed by removal to Knock Co Mayo.

She will be buried tomorrow morning in Knock cemetery after 11am requiem mass in St Ann’s Church Shanvagera.