Sylvia Thompson offers a selection of health-related events and services including: Migraine Action Week, Bottle-feeding, Stop Smoking classes and courses from the Catherine McAuley Centre
Migraine Action Week: Quashing the myths surrounding migraine is the theme of this year's Migraine Action Week which begins next Monday. Common migraine myths include "stay away from chocolate, cheese and wine and you'll be fine" (avoiding such triggers works for some sufferers only) and "migraine is just a headache" (migraine affects many more areas of the body and mind than regular headaches do). A public seminar on migraine takes place in the Radisson SAS Hotel, Galway City on Thursday, September 12th at 7.30 p.m. Admission €6. Speakers include Prof David Russell, department of neurology, the National Hospital, Oslo, Sweden, and Dr Eddie O'Sullivan, clinical director of the headache/migraine clinic in Cork University Hospital, Cork City. For advanced booking, phone (01) 872 4137. The migraine helpline is 1850 200 378.
Catherine McAuley Centre: Women and particularly older women based in Dublin may be interested in checking out the autumn/winter programme of the Catherine McAuley Centre at 23 Herbert St, Dublin 2. Courses include yoga, tai chi, meditation, reiki, sacred dance and other creative classes, the aims of which are to help women cope with the stresses and challenges of life. For details, phone (01) 6387500.
Bottle-feeding: Sterilising bottles is one of the many tiring chores associated with bottle-feeding babies. Pre-sterilised, disposable baby bottles are now available, which will prove valuable for use on holidays or others trips away from home. Made from recyclable plastic, these bottles can also be frozen. They are available in pharmacies and major department stores.
Stop smoking: The group therapy approach to stopping smoking is used in many stop smoking courses including the Stop Smoking course at St Vincent's University Hospital, Dublin. Enrolment for the next six-week course goes ahead tomorrow at 7 p.m. in the boardroom of the hospital. Cost: €45 (refundable on completion of the course). Tel: (01) 209 4958.