
PARENTS WITH DEPRESSION: Children of depressed parents have a three times greater risk of anxiety, depression and substance …

PARENTS WITH DEPRESSION: Children of depressed parents have a three times greater risk of anxiety, depression and substance dependence than the offspring of non-depressed parents, a study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry has found. The most vulnerable time was between the ages of 15 and 20, especially for women.

IODINE DEFICIENCY IN PREGNANT WOMEN: Doctors at the National Maternity Hospital and UCD say they are concerned that pregnant women are not getting enough iodine. Iodine is necessary to ensure the normal neuropsychological development of the baby. Iodine deficiency was found in 55 per cent of pregnant women tested during the summer and in 23 per cent of those tested during the winter.

BENEFITS OF POTASSIUM: Potassium-enriched salt reduces death from cardiovascular disease among older men, a Taiwanese study has found. Extra dietary potassium has been shown to lower blood pressure and help prevent strokes. The study showed a 40 per cent reduction in cardiovascular deaths among those given added potassium.

RELIGION AND BLOOD PRESSURE: Attending a religious service at least once a week is associated with reduced blood pressure, according to a national US survey published in Psychosomatic Medicine.


• Compiled by Dr Muiris Houston