
TRAVEL AWARDS: Friday is the deadline for receipt of applications for travel awards to international scientific conferences, …

TRAVEL AWARDS:Friday is the deadline for receipt of applications for travel awards to international scientific conferences, run by the Irish Cancer Society.

Founded in 2004, the awards encourage the participation of students and trainees in medical, nursing and paramedical arenas in conferences with a focus on cancer. The maximum award per student is €2,000. Contact Helena O'Donnell at the Irish Cancer Society on tel: 01 2310516 or e-mail

CHAIR YOGA:Yoga teacher Adrienne Crowe has built up a reputation for adapting yoga postures to suit those with chronic health conditions. On Saturday next (January 20th), she will lead a workshop in chair yoga from 11am-4pm in the Yoga Studio, 15 Heytesbury St, Dublin. The workshop costs €25. Tel: 01 4539971. See also

FOOTBALL BENEFITS:An Italian psychiatrist has found a novel way to help his patients by enlisting them in a competitive football team. Over 50 per cent of Rome-based Mauro Raffaeli's players - many of whom suffer from schizophrenia or depression - have cut their drug intake and have returned to work since playing regular football. Film-maker Volfago di Biasi has made Mad About Football, a documentary film about the team.


MIND MANAGEMENT:Ian Robertson, professor of psychology at Trinity College Dublin and author of a number of books including Stay Sharp with the Mind Doctor will give a talk entitled Manage Your Mind on Wednesday, January 24th at 7.30pm in the Stillorgan Park Hotel, Stillorgan, Co Dublin. He will speak about ways in which brain exercises, physical exercise, good nutrition and active learning all help delay the effects of mental ageing. Admission €45. More details on tel: 01 2875524.