
Information about guide dog training The Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is holding an information event from noon tomorrow at…

Information about guide dog trainingThe Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is holding an information event from noon tomorrow at its National Headquarters and Training Centre, Model Farm Road, Cork.

Future guide dog users, friends or family members can learn about guide dog and independent living skills training. Tel: 1850-506 300 or e-mail

Day for parents of children with disability

Parents of children with a disability may be interested in a parents' day entitled Look Into My Eyes on Friday in the Galway Bay Hotel, Galway City. Held as part of a conference on the developmental model known as Floor Time, the event aims to give parents a chance to share stories with other parents. To book, contact Training Ways on 091-796 777 or e-mail Costs €65.


Breast cancer info session

The Irish breast cancer support campaign, Europa Donna, is holding an information session on Saturday from 1.30pm-3pm in Buswells Hotel, Molesworth St, Dublin 2. Mary Ivers, lecturer in health psychology at University College Dublin, will speak about the development of a survivorship programme to enhance quality of life after treatment.

Dympna Watson, breast cancer advocate, will speak about how a breast cancer diagnosis can affect your finances. Tel: 087-638 3609 or e-mail:

Service for people with brain injury

A new free independent advocacy service for people with brain injury and their families/carers has been set up by BRI, the acquired brain injury advocacy association. Based in the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin, the service will inform people about their rights and entitlements and support them in decision-making.

Online resource to aid weight loss

Safefood's new website is an online resource for those who want to lose weight in a healthy way. The site includes a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator and case studies of people adopting a healthy lifestyle programme.

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