
Clare-based philosopher and writer Dr John O'Donohue will team up with American educator Dr Dan Siegal and professor of psychiatry…

Clare-based philosopher and writer Dr John O'Donohue will team up with American educator Dr Dan Siegal and professor of psychiatry at Stanford Medical School David Daniels at an event entitled Leadership Through the Power of Presence on Saturday and Sunday, July 21st and 22nd at Newtown Castle, Ballyvaughan, Co Clare.

MODELS OF LEADERSHIP:  Through a series of talks, discussions and mindful awareness practices, all three speakers will invite participants to explore new models of leadership. Cost €480. E-mail or tel: 065-7083949 for more details.

RELATIONSHIP WORKSHOPS:The west Wicklow wellbeing centre, Chrysalis, is now running non-residential workshops in Milltown Park, Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin. Forthcoming workshops include The Art of Effortless Relationships on July 21st and 22nd. Led by Ingrid Bacci, American healer and author of The Art of Effortless Living, the workshop aims to help people identify and release beliefs and attitudes which limit their relationships. Cost €195.

On August 11th and 12th in the same venue, Jesuit priest Fr Jim Dolan will lead a retreat introduction to the teachings of Anthony de Mello. Cost €155. Bookings for both workshops on tel: 045-404713. See also


Nutritional Event: Ask the Expertis the theme of a public event in which nutritional experts will answer questions from the public at the Riverside Theatre, Coleraine on Monday, July 16th.The panellists, all of whom are attending an international nutrition society conference at the University of Ulster Coleraine campus, will include Prof Mike Gibney, UCD, Dr Ann Prentice, director of Human Nutrition Research Unit, Cambridge, England, and Sean Strain, University of Ulster. Admission is free but advanced booking is recommended on tel: (048) 0207-6056573.