Me and My Stress

Main cause of stress

Main cause of stress

When you have to do too many things at the one time, it can be stressful. When I come back from running, I might decide that I have to clean the whole house. Even one speck of dust would annoy me. Or sometimes when I have to go somewhere for a race, I later find I have to do a press conference. I'm packing a bag and wondering what will I do with Ciara (daughter) and how will I fit in training.

People's expectations only bother you if you are not sure of yourself. If people keep asking you how you feel and you hear the same question too many times it can affect you. But if you are prepared, it won't matter. I wouldn't say that the Atlanta Olympics were very stressful because I wasn't stressed thinking about it beforehand. It was just a bad result. But it does put pressure on you to make up for it. 1997 wasn't the best year because I was always trying to catch up. It wasn't until 1998 that I learned to relax again.

Coping with stress


I always lay out my training gear the night before a race so if there is something missing, I will know it. That way, I don't have to think about anything on the morning. Running is great for releasing tension. After five or 10 minutes, you find that you are enjoying being outside, just looking at the flowers and trees. Spending time with Ciara is very relaxing too, apart from when she doesn't want to go to bed.

On being a public figure

Press conferences and dealing with the public are all part of the job but sometimes you would love to go off somewhere where no one knows you or cares who you are. You always have to be on your best behaviour. If you don't look happy, people will say "look at her, she looks miserable". But running puts everything in perspective.

In conversation with Alison Healy