My Kind of Exercise

Singer Majella Murphy tells Patricia Weston she likes using her BMX to do tricks and keep healthy the cheap way

Singer Majella Murphy tells Patricia Weston she likes using her BMX to do tricks and keep healthy the cheap way

How do you keep fit?

I skateboard and I ride a BMX bike because I want to be healthy and because I'm poor.

I took to the skateboard two and a half years ago because I think it's cool. It's easy to use, great for getting around town and keeps me fit.


I like the BMX because I can do tricks on it. I used to have one when I was a kid so I wanted another one because they are so much fun.

Have you ever been a gym junkie?

I've joined several gyms in the past but I never stayed because I just found it so boring.

My routine can be very manic so when I was a member I'd go for a while and then never bother going for ages.

Are you a healthy eater?

I think I eat a healthy diet. I wouldn't touch McDonalds and I love fruit, vegetables and good wholesome Irish food.

Any unhealthy vices?

I love chocolate but I don't smoke or drink.

Have you ever dieted?

No, I see so many people obsessed with dieting and weight.

I think if you eat a little of everything and do some exercise you'll be fine.

I think I look young for my age because I eat well, so if you eat well you look well.

Are you weight conscious?

I've never gone over a size 10 because I take care of myself and don't over-do anything. I don't obsess about my body and I don't abuse my body.

Do you use alternative remedies?

Yes, I'm big into them. I've tried the whole lot and I frequently suffer from nasal difficulties so I use eucalyptus.

What's your philosophy on life?

The key is to keep living and thinking healthily. So many people are obsessed with the glass being half empty and are negative rather then positive.

We should get out and exercise and look at the sun because we are only one step up from plants, we need the sun's energy.

To get a taste of Majella's music log on to where her latest track, Dreaming, is exclusively available as a free download.

Patricia Weston recommends:

Skateboarding is an extreme sport so not only is it thrilling and great fun, it also keeps you fit.

Skateboarding places demands on the body's major muscle groups, which increases strength, endurance and flexibility.

The quadriceps muscles in the front of the thigh and the calf and tibialus muscles in the lower leg get a great workout.

The abdominals and lower back muscles also come into play in order to maintain balance on the board.

It's also an aerobic activity that gets the heart and lungs working.

If you plan to take up this sport, strengthen your legs by doing squats and lunges to avoid muscular soreness and tone your abs with sit-ups to avoid lower back pain.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.

Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime and stop exercising if you feel nauseous or dizzy.