My Kind of Exercise

Allison McKay , actor and comedian, thinks life is too short to drag yourself to the gym if you would rather be disco dancing…

Allison McKay, actor and comedian, thinks life is too short to drag yourself to the gym if you would rather be disco dancing.

Are you an exerciser?

Yes, I've always loved the outdoors and I used to cycle everywhere.

Unfortunately, I have a walking disability that has got worse in the past year, so I have to find more creative ways to exercise. I enjoy swimming and yoga and I am starting to learn Pilates. Sometimes my leg is painful and I need to pace myself, so I try to focus on relaxation exercises or go for a massage.


Tell us about your disability.

I had a tumour removed from my leg in 1993, and lost the muscle at the front of my right thigh. Thankfully, I've long since got the all clear.

Do you worry about your appearance?

I sometimes fret over my tummy but I don't lose any sleep over it.

Is there anything about your body you'd like to change?

A new right leg and whatever you're having yourself.

Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?

I don't think so. I think real faces and bodies are much more beautiful and interesting to look at.

What's your diet like?

I'm lazy about eating fruit, but I love salad and vegetables. I was a vegetarian for 10 years but the constant examination of ingredient lists was starting to affect my eyesight.

Do you suffer from stress?

I'm a stand-up comedian and preparing for gigs can be stressful, although I usually enjoy the performance itself.

How do you like to relax?

By being silent, ideally watching the sea or an open fire.

Have you ever used any alternative remedies?

Yes, I've tried acupuncture, Chinese herbs, homeopathy, the Alexander technique, massage, and reflexology with varying degrees of success.

What does exercise do for you?

I do notice that my mood is better when I'm physically active. I think the most important thing is to find a form of exercise that you really like. Life is too short to drag yourself to the gym when you could be disco dancing.

Allison McKay will appear in The Fallen Angels Cabaret at the Project Arts Centre, Space Upstairs at 8pm on Wednesday, December 20th. Tickets cost €18 and €14.

For reservations call: 01 8819613 or visit

Patricia Weston'sexercise prescription:

Stretching in motion is a gentle form of exercise that can be performed by anyone of any age or fitness level. Stretching increases the length of your muscles and the effective range of motion in your joints. Perform this sequence slowly but don't hold any of the stretches - just breathe deeply as you move from one position to the next. Repeat the whole sequence at least three times from start to finish:

Lie on your stomach and stretch your head upward with your arms extended in front of you and your forearms on the floor, then breathe in and step forward with your right leg, keeping your hands on the floor and your left leg extended behind, then slowly change legs.

Bring both legs together and bend forward keeping your forehead close to your knees as you slowly unroll your body to a standing position and stretch your arms up to the ceiling.

Stand with your legs hip width apart and point your right foot forward and bend the right knee as you hold your arms out to the sides at shoulder level, then change legs, keeping your arms out.

Place your arms by your sides and point both feet forward, then bend the right leg and lean all your weight on the right leg keeping your left leg straight, change slowly to the left side and repeat four times.

Straighten both legs and walk your hands forward in front onto the floor and gently tilt your neck back bending your knees slightly.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.