My Kind of Exercise

Louis Walsh tells Patricia Weston how he exercises to get away from whinging popstars.

Louis Walsh tells Patricia Weston how he exercises to get away from whinging popstars.

Do you take any regular exercise?

I go walking once or twice a week on a Sunday for a half an hour, around Dalkey or Sandymount beach. I also have to take that long walk through the terminal at Heathrow airport when I get off the plane, it's about 20 minutes and I'd do that once a week. I don't really have time for much exercise. Anyway, I'm too busy and I'm a pretty hyper person so I'd call myself active. I live on Adelaide Road in Dublin so sometimes I walk into town because the traffic is just so bad and the taxis and buses take up the whole road. I think people should use bikes around town anyway

Why do you exercise?


I do it to get away from whinging pop stars and to relax and unwind.

How do you de-stress after a hectic day?

I love eating out in restaurants - that certainly helps me unwind.

Ever joined a gym?

God, no I couldn't be bothered. I'd rather go to hell. I think everyone is brainwashed by gyms, it's an American concept anyway.

Were you sporty at school?

I went to boarding school and played tennis and basketball but I wasn't much good at either.

Are you conscious about what you eat?

I eat the wrong food at the wrong time with the wrong people. I shop at Marks & Spencer once a week because their food is handy and easy to cook. I drink way too much coffee; about three to four cups a day but I don't care because I don't smoke or do drugs and I don't drink a lot of alcohol. I love creamy food and ice cream. I eat twice a day and usually late at night. I am trying to eat more fruit and fewer desserts. I'm not slim but I'm not over-weight either and I'm not fit but I really don't care. I don't have to look good, the pop stars do. I think I look fine anyway and as long as I'm comfortable that's all that matters.

Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery?

I don't think so, it looks too painful. Maybe if it wasn't so painful, I might consider it.

Patricia Weston recommends:

Now that the summer is here we can get out and enjoy the sunshine and get in more exercise.

Gardening is a great way to keep fit; a half an hour of weeding and mowing the lawn will burn up about 150 calories and mowing is great for toning arms and shoulders.

Cleaning your windows after all that winter rain is also a good workout. Putting in an extra effort and stretching on your toes to shine those hard-to-reach corners will tone arms and shoulders and calf muscles and burn up to 250 calories per half-hour.

Dogs are a great incentive to exercise because they need their walks whatever the weather; getting a dog will ensure you walk regularly.

When you're doing the big weekly grocery shop, ditch the trolley and carry the shopping bags to your car, it'll burn more calories.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates instructor.

Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime and stop exercising if you feel nauseous or dizzy.