My Kind of Exercise

Orla Rapple , co-presenter of the breakfast show Orla and Trev @ Breakfast on Waterford's Beat 102-103 FM, describes how she…

Orla Rapple, co-presenter of the breakfast show Orla and Trev @ Breakfast on Waterford's Beat 102-103 FM, describes how she enjoys strolling as an antidote to being cooped up in the radio studio

Do you exercise?

Yes, I do exercise quite regularly. Being a radio presenter, my mouth always gets a great work-out with all the talking but I also like to look after my body too. I enjoy keeping active and I usually either walk or swim during the day.

Are you a gym bunny?


No, I have membership but I only swim in the gym because I find treadmills, rowing machines and step machines incredibly boring.

What's your favourite activity?

I really love to walk and I make an effort to go for a walk every day. I live and work in the south east of Ireland, so there are lots of beautiful beaches to walk along. The Waterford coast is also quite scenic and I never get bored of that.

Any activities you'd like to try?

I'd love to try a team-orientated and competitive form of exercise. I'm not sure exactly what sort of interactive exercise would be up my street. I do enjoy doing things on my own, but at times walking and swimming can become quite lonely activities.

Are you a healthy eater?

I try to be a healthy eater. I don't like processed foods and I try to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. I always start the week off well on Monday but, towards the end of the week, my healthy eating deteriorates a little!

What foods do you love?

I like to eat out and I love exotic foods like sushi, hummus and Thai foods but nothing beats a good steak.

Any unhealthy vices?

Hangover days are always unhealthy and filled with chips, sweets, chocolate and lots of other extremely fatty foods. I don't smoke but I do drink and I enjoy a nice glass of red wine with a meal.

Anything about your body you'd like to change?

I would like to be taller than I am. An extra four inches to my height would be very welcome.

Patricia Weston recommends:

Exercise up and down the sand dunes with this revitalising beach work-out:

§ Walking or running on the soft sand burns more calories because sand offers greater resistance for your muscles and it slows you down, making your work-out harder. Also, it's low impact, which helps prevents injury.

§ Take advantage of the beach's varying terrain by walking along the soft and hard sand to challenge your muscles.

§ Aim to walk for 30 minutes three times a week for maximum fitness benefits.

§ Incorporate either interval training, marching knee raises or race walking into your 30-minute routine.

§ Do interval training by walking very briskly for five minutes, then slowing down for five minutes. Working your way down from five to one minute, walk briskly for four minutes, and then slow for four, etc, until you get to one minute of almost running.

§ March for four to six minutes by raising your knees towards your chest, this will give your thigh muscles a great work-out.

§ Race walking is a fast, exaggerated walking technique. To race walk, your supporting leg must be straight when your heel touches the ground but don't lock the knee joint. Keep your elbows tucked into your waist and try to keep your weight on the balls of your feet. Race walk during your normal walk for up to 10 minutes for increased fitness.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.