My Kind of Exercise

Gay Byrne, broadcaster, tells Patricia Weston he exercises because he enjoys it so much but would hate to have to exercise as…

Gay Byrne, broadcaster, tells Patricia Weston he exercises because he enjoys it so much but would hate to have to exercise as a work-out

Do you exercise?

I get tetchy if I don't exercise. I've always been a great walker and ever since I've lived in Howth I've always used the place for walking. Wherever you walk in Howth you have to climb a hill so it really gets you puffing.

I walk regularly on Saturdays and Sundays for around three hours and I'm in the process of getting back into cycling so I take the pushbike out for around 25-30 minutes on the flat ground. It's hard to get back into it but cycling is very pleasant. I'm also a member of the Bluestack Ramblers. They're a walking gang and we go on walks all around the country.


Although we're all getting older and heavier, we still walk every year.

So you reckon you're fit?

I think I'm quite fit. My doctor is always surprised at how fit I am when he takes my pulse.

Are there any other exercises you do to stay in shape?

I do yoga at home on my own. I do it a few days a week to stay nimble.

Are you a healthy eater?

I wouldn't be overly conscious about healthy eating but I follow a round diet. We eat a good bit of fish every week because we can get lovely fresh fish in Howth. If I never had another desert it wouldn't bother me. I'd take the odd bar of chocolate while I'm out walking and I like Chinese and Indian food. Anything I do eat, I walk off anyway.

Are you a smoker or drinker?

I enjoy drinking Jameson Irish whiskey. I used to have a cigarette now and again but I gave that up last summer.

Do you get stressed?

I tend to be impatient. If I want something, I want it now! But I'm not so sure I suffer from stress. In the latter years working for RTÉ I was getting stressed but not now.

What's your attitude to exercise?

I do it because I enjoy it and it's just a coincidence that it's so good for me. I'd hate to set out and do exercise as a work-out.

Patricia Weston notes:

There are 31 national Waymarked Ways walking routes around Ireland, according to Cormac McDonnell of the National Waymarked Way office. The trails are graded so they are suitable for walkers of all levels and ages and are free of charge.

Before you take to a route Cormac recommends you do some research first. Check out the Irish Sports Council's website on walking at where you will find a list of routes and websites you can consult for more information.

Be mindful of the weather, wear layers and bring gear for the rain, adds Cormac.

Follow the country code and be respectful of your surroundings, respect private property, protect wildlife and don't interfere with livestock.

Cormac also recommends making a day out of your rambling by choosing a location with parking facilities and a pub nearby so you can enjoy a well-earned pub lunch at the end of the day.

• Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.

Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime and stop exercising if you feel nauseous or dizzy.