My Kind of Exercise

Ursula Halligan, presenter of the Political Party on TV3, tells Patricia Weston she made a mini-gym at home as she finds gyms…

Ursula Halligan, presenter of the Political Party on TV3, tells Patricia Weston she made a mini-gym at home as she finds gyms boring and solitary

Do you exercise?

It's only in recent years that I've started exercising regularly. To help my motivation, I bought a pedometer and set myself the goal of walking 5,000 steps a day, which is about two miles and 10,000 steps at the weekend. I have a treadmill at home and when the weather is bad I use it. Sometimes I bring a radio or a CD along and listen to a particular show or if it's a CD, a book. In fact, that's the way I read Bill Clinton's recent autobiography.

Are you a gym bunny?


I have been a member of several gyms over the years but invariably I found them awkward or inconvenient to get to as well as boring and a bit solitary.

A few years ago I decided to set up a little mini-gym at home. Nothing elaborate or expensive. It has a treadmill, a small selection of dumbbells, a fitness band and an exercise ball. I have an exercise programme and I find it's much easier to do my exercise at home, usually early in the morning or after work.

Any activities you'd like to try?

I'd love to try water-skiing sometime. That would be the ultimate sporting thrill for me.

Are you a healthy eater?

I have a great appetite and love good wholesome food. I've never been a calorie-counter because the nature of my job means I often don't know when I'm going to eat next.

Do you take vitamin supplements?

I have learned to take a combination of supplements every day. I'm sure my colleagues think I'm barmy when I arrive at the desk with my little purse of pills, yellow ones, white ones, orange ones - a whole rainbow of colours.

What foods do you love?

I adore eggs, sunny side up, poached or fried. Anything with garlic in it and I love spinach, broccoli, cabbage and avocado. I love sweet things too, especially coffee fudge cake!

Any unhealthy vices?

Plenty, but I'm not telling you.

What's your attitude to exercise?

After a slow beginning, I'm now addicted to exercise. If a day passes when I don't exercise, I feel it. I find it a great balancer. And it's a form of release for pent-up stress or pressure that may have built up during the day.

Patricia Weston recommends:

If you'd like to set up your own home gym here's some advice:

Choose a well-ventilated, uncluttered, bright room.

You don't need lots of expensive equipment. I'd recommend one piece of cardio-vascular equipment such as an exercise bike or a treadmill. Also a mat for performing floor exercises is necessary.

You may want to purchase an exercise ball which can be used to perform a range of very effective strength and toning exercises. These usually come with instructions, tips and some exercises.

Why not use a skipping rope? It's cheap and a great way to build up cardio-vascular fitness.

Improvise and use bottles of water or cans of beans as weights.

You'll also need a stereo to play music in the background as you exercise to help keep you motivated.

• Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.

Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime and stop exercising if you feel nauseous or dizzy.