My Kind of Exercise

Author Melissa Hill tells Patricia Weston exercise is pretty far down her list of priorities but she does like the fact that …

Author Melissa Hill tells Patricia Weston exercise is pretty far down her list of priorities but she does like the fact that her dog takes her for a walk

Do you exercise?

I don't make a conscious effort to exercise for the sake of fitness - I usually like to combine it with a pastime, like walking the dog or hill walking in Glendalough, close to where I live. So no, I am not a regular exerciser.

Are you a member of a gym?


You mean a torture chamber? Definitely not.

What's your favourite activity?

Walking the dog - he does most of the work!

Any exercise you'd like to try?

Trampolining looks fun, although I'm not sure if it's an exercise per se.

Are you a healthy eater?

Yes. Since turning thirty last year I've made a conscious effort to improve my diet. I no longer eat white bread, I've cut down on sugar, red meat, and processed ready-meals etc. I've also taken to eating a lot more fresh fruit and veg each day.

What foods do you love?

Chocolate, pizza, and pasta with creamy sauce, steak, and chips - all the bad stuff really.

Any vices?

I don't do enough physical exercise and I eat way too much chocolate. I don't smoke, but I do drink, mostly white wine.

Is there anything about your body you'd like to change?

I was born with only one shoulder blade (the other one just never formed) which isn't a problem medically, but it causes my clothes to hang slightly off-centre. I'm probably the only person who notices, but I'd love to look symmetrical like everyone else.

Ever considered cosmetic surgery?

When I was younger, I was offered surgery to have a false shoulder blade inserted, but I decided against it, as it really isn't that much of a problem. I feel very strongly against putting my body through the trauma of non-essential surgery for no reason other than vanity.

What's your attitude to exercise?

I'm so busy at the moment that it is way down on my list of priorities, but I am very aware I should be doing much more of it so I must try harder.

Melissa's latest novel Never Say Never is published by Poolbeg and in the shops now.

Patricia recommends:

Trampoline jumping is not just for kids. Rebounding is a great cardio-vascular workout and burns more calories than jogging.

Jumping on a trampoline is low impact and absorbs the shock so there is no risk of injuring joints.

It's suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels and it develops balance, rhythm and co-ordination.

When you bounce you achieve a weightless state at the top of each jump and you land with twice the force of gravity on each bounce.

Rebounding is also a good core workout in that it requires you to use your abdominals to push your feet down so you tone your stomach muscles.

You can also perform abdominal exercises on a mini-trampoline more effectively than on a floor because the surface gives your back greater support and provides resistance at the same time.

It's also a fun way to exercise and is something you can do with your kids.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.

Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime and stop exercising if you feel nauseous or dizzy.