My Kind of Exercise

Gillian Bowler, founder of Budget Travel and chairwoman of Fáilte Ireland and Irish Life & Permanent, tells Patricia Weston…

Gillian Bowler, founder of Budget Travel and chairwoman of Fáilte Ireland and Irish Life & Permanent, tells Patricia Weston about her love of walking

Do you take regular exercise?

Well, I walk. It's something I really enjoy. I take the dog for walks and walk with my husband. I also like taking walking holidays. The last one I went on was in Kerry, walking up to 15 miles a day along the Kerry Way. I also like hill walking on weekends. I joined a few gyms in the past but I found it so repetitive and boring.

Would you consider yourself fit?


No, I'm not fit. I've a long way to go but I'm not entirely hopeless. Last year I had no problem with a brisk walk but I do find walking uphill a bit of a challenge.

Have you ever tried any activities like aerobics or yoga?

No, no and no. Walking is the only activity I do. I'm so short on time that the exercise I do has to be something I enjoy.

Do you exercise when you're travelling abroad?

No, I don't like walking in extreme heat and humidity, I was on holiday in the Amazon a couple of years ago and I just found it too hot.

Do you eat a balanced diet?

Yes, on the whole I do eat a balanced diet. I travel a lot which involves eating business lunches. I'm not overweight but on the rare occasion that I over-eat I'll go on a diet but I'd end up eating more on a diet - it's psychological. When you deny yourself food, you have a tendency to eat more. I eat an awful lot of fruit, well over the recommended five portions a day, because I love it, and I drink gallons of water.

Do you suffer from stress?

Yes and I find exercise is very good for controlling it. I walk on Saturday mornings.

What's your attitude to exercise?

I'm not one of these health-conscious people who stick to a regime. People can get obsessive about exercise. I'm fundamentally lazy! I wouldn't get up early to go to the gym, I'd rather roll over and go back to sleep. I do think it'd be madness not to have some exercise in your life though. I've seen 70 and 80 year-olds active all their lives and they reap the benefits. You see inactive people age more and they get less out of life. I think walking is a particularly healthy activity.

Patricia Weston recommends:

When you take your summer break this year, your fitness level needn't suffer and you needn't gain any extra pounds. Here are some tips to keep you toned and fit on your holiday:

Explore your holiday destination by walking rather than hiring a car.

Take advantage of the many water sports on offer, you'll burn off plenty of calories without trying and have lots of fun in the water. Water-skiing burns up to 460 calories an hour.

The majority of us have more sex while we're on holiday because we're more relaxed and just 30 minutes of it will burn up to 200 calories.

Take a run on the beach or incorporate two to six minutes of short-burst running in your walk. Running and walking on the beach's soft sand will reduce your chances of suffering injury.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.