My Kind of Exercise

Actor Conor Mullen tells Patricia Weston while he could live without his love handles, he is not worried enough about his looks…

Actor Conor Mullen tells Patricia Weston while he could live without his love handles, he is not worried enough about his looks to consider cosmetic surgery

Do you exercise?

I take regular exercise occasionally. I enjoy walking the dogs and play a bit of golf now and then. I also go through spurts of going to the gym and when I do go, I try to go three times a week.

Would you consider yourself fit?


I'm usually either just after being fit, or just about to get fit.

Do you worry about your appearance?

Worry would be a bit strong, but I do have a healthy interest.

Is there any part of your body you don't like?

Yes, I was born with what I consider to be completely unnecessary love handles.

Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery then?

No. Not even on my love handles.

How's your diet?

I think I eat a balanced diet, although I do have a fondness for red meat and animal fat.

What would you eat in a typical day?

Today I had oatmeal with fruit and soya yoghurt for breakfast, leftover roast pork sandwich on brown bread for lunch, and scallops and puy lentils for tea.

Ever tried any faddy diets?

No, but I've done a month-long detox on two occasions.

How do you unwind?

By drinking mostly.

What's your attitude to exercise?

I enjoy it if I'm playing sport, but going to the gym can be a grind.

Conor will be appearing in Blood at the Project Arts Centre which runs from Thursday to December 3rd. For box office information, telephone: 01 -8819 613/14 or visit

Patricia Weston recommends:

Banish love handles and whittle away your waistline with this intense stomach-toning regime:

Lie on a mat on your side, leaning on your elbow and forearm with your knees bent and your back straight.

Lift your hips up off the floor, hold for five seconds and return. Repeat for three sets of four repetitions to tone the obliques at the side of your abs.

Lie face down on the mat supporting your upper body with your elbows on the floor.

Raise your body up on your knees, keep your head and neck straight, pull your abs in tight and keep your back straight. Hold for eight seconds and repeat six times.