My Working Day

Vilma Matulevicivte , naturopath and herbalist, treats a wide range of illnesses by using natural means to get the body back…

Vilma Matulevicivte, naturopath and herbalist, treats a wide range of illnesses by using natural means to get the body back to balance

I start work at 9.30 a.m. or 10 a.m. I work in two different clinics in the city centre.

On a typical day I would see between five to seven clients. Some visits are short, when a client just needs some quick advice, and some consultations take longer.

A person would usually visit a naturopath as a last resort, after they have exhausted all other options.


I treat a wide range of complaints from chronic illnesses to niggly little things such as colds and flus, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, depression and fertility problems.

A naturopath doesn't treat the disease. We look at the body as a whole and see what is out of balance and aim to get the body back to balance.

We use all natural means to help a client get better. We use water, detoxification, herbs, vitamins, minerals and supplements and food. Nutrition is a major part of the treatment.

I would firstly evaluate the client's diet because food and nutrition is so important for balance.

Iridology is also an essential part of the naturopath's treatment. Iridology looks into the eyes to assess weaknesses in the body.

The iris is a tool through which you can see an illness before the person has any symptoms, so the problem can be prevented for the future.

You can detect stomach, bowel and liver problems and high cholesterol through the eyes.

I also look at the tongue. The tongue can reflect what's going on in the body. I examine the colour, shape, texture, moisture content and the cracks and spots.

As a herbalist I prescribe herbs.

Herbs have very concentrated energy and can be used to treat all sorts of illnesses. For example, I would recommend spirulina if a person is suffering from fatigue and has low energy levels.

Spirulina is a highly concentrated food supplement that nourishes and detoxifies the blood so it's great for the person who is feeling under par.

After the initial consultation I recommend the client make dietary changes and then come back after two to three weeks when we can assess these changes.

Naturopathy is about working together to find out what changes need to be made to help a person back to better health. And it teaches the patients how to take care of themselves and take their own health into their own hands.