Nurses at St John of God services in Kerry to ballot for industrial action

INMO says nurses at intellectual disability centre in Killarney are at ‘end of their tether’

Members of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation at the St John of God Services in Beaufort, Killarney, Co Kerry are to ballot for industrial action.

Members of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation at the St John of God Services in Beaufort, Killarney, Co Kerry are to ballot for industrial action.

This follows a decision by management to impose a new roster on the staff from May 2nd next.

An INMO spokesperson for staff at the centre told Radio Kerry that they’ve “reached the end of their tether”.

The centre at Beaufort is a residential centre for clients with intellectual disability.


The roster at the centre of this dispute was previously rejected by the staff, as they claim it’s unworkable and will lead to a deterioration of services.

INMO industrial relations officer, Michael Dineen, claims management are insisting on introducing this roster despite the concerns of the staff.

“The proposed new roster will lead to a deterioration in the services to the clients, due to the unavailability of staff at key times during the day,” he said.

“It will prove onerous for staff, due to the length of the working day, and does not give a reasonable work/life balance to those involved.”

The ballot is for the withdrawal of labour from May 2nd and the result of the ballot will be known on Wednesday, April 20th.

The HSE is expected to issue a response to the INMO statement later.