On the Couch

Cliodhna Foley-Nolan:  Consultant in public health medicine and director of human health and nutrition at Safefood (the Food…

Cliodhna Foley-Nolan: Consultant in public health medicine and director of human health and nutrition at Safefood (the Food Safety Promotion Board).

Personal/family: Married to Derek O'Connell with two children, Aoife and Garret.

What figure from the world of medicine or health do you most admire?

Dr Mary McLoughlin who was in my class in University College Cork and has worked since 1987 for Goal in Iraq, Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia.


What other career might you have chosen?

Something in psychology or design.

If you could grant three wishes for the health service, what would they be?

I would establish a health service that promotes self-help and domiciliary care. I would ensure that public policy decisions, even in times of conflict between different departments, always favoured health. And I would give general practice the financial support it deserves.

What is your greatest fear?

Debilitating illness.

Have you ever been a patient and were you a good one?

No, but I would say that I'd be an impatient patient.

When or where are you happiest?

On holiday or at the completion of big projects at work.

How do you cope with stress?

I go for a walk or a meal out with my husband.

What is the trait you most admire in yourself?


What is the trait you most dislike in yourself?

I sometimes take things too seriously.

Do you use alternative or complementary medicine or therapies?

Just retail therapy.

Who or what makes you laugh?

Fun at family meals, the chat after tennis and the occasional funny film or book.

What is your motto?

Try very hard to make the most of today.

What is your favourite TV or radio programme?

I like documentaries, cookery programmes on TV and Marian Finucane on radio.

What books would you bring to a desert island?

The Diary of Anne Frank, Miss Garnet's Angel and Dervla Murphy's travel books.