On the Couch

Kevin Kelly is On the Couch this week

Kevin Kelly is On the Couch this week

Occupation: Interim chief executive of Health Service Executive.

Personal/Family: married to Mary and they have three grown up children Jeanne, John and Marianne.

What figure from the world of medicine/health do you most admire?


The person I most admire in the world of medicine/health is retired physician Dr Donal McCarthy, whose value system would be an inspiration for anyone entering the medical profession.

What other career might you have chosen?

As a young man, I had dreams of becoming a sports journalist or managing an art gallery.

If you were appointed Minister for Health, what would be your first priority?

I share with the Tánaiste and Minister for Health the priorities which have been established, which are to improve the patient journey from the point of view of both the patient and their families, create a more empowered working environment for the staff of the Health Service and remove many of the inequalities that exist at present in the health service. We want to put the patient at all times at the centre of the system.

Do you have a phobia/what is your greatest fear?

Heights - I feel like I am on a bit of high wire at present!

Have you ever been a patient and were you a good one?

I have been very fortunate to date but an abrupt end to an appalling rugby career left me in the A&E with a badly broken nose and subsequent operation. As best as my memory will allow me to recollect, I was an exemplary patient, although my doctor at the time might argue otherwise.

What three books would you bring to a desert island?

Anything by John Steinbeck or Elmore Leonard and the Beginners Guide to Raft Building. Can I bring a Discman with Beethoven and Mozart symphonies as well?

Have you a fail-safe method of dealing with stress?

Walking the beach at Seapoint, Co Louth or listening to the background rambling of golf commentator Peter Aliss, which never fails to send me into a peaceful slumber.

What is your favourite TV or radio programme?

I usually tune into whatever current affairs programme is on at the time.

If you did not live in Ireland, where would you spend the rest of your life?

Whenever I can I get away. I usually retreat to the south of Spain but I cannot ever imagine living abroad on a permanent basis.

Summarise yourself in about 12 words.

Determined, focused, sometimes impatient, sports enthusiast, wannabe golfer, art lover, book collector, good listener.

Do you use alternative medicine/therapies?

Not as yet, but I do listen to friends' experience about this subject.

Who or what makes you laugh.

I always try to see the humorous side to most things, no matter how bad they may first appear - also the company of friends who have a similar philosophy.