On the Couch

On the Couch this week talks to Prof Paul Finucane

On the Couch this week talks to Prof Paul Finucane

Occupation: Director of Graduate Medical School Development, University of Limerick, Geriatrician

Personal/Family: Married to Aileen; boxer dog called Gertie.

What figure from the world of medicine/health do you most admire?


Among my many medical heroes, Michael Hyland stands out - a superb doctor and a wonderful human being.

What other career might you have chosen?

I don't think I could have escaped my destiny of being a teacher in some shape or form.

If you were appointed Minister for Health, what would be your first priority?

To convince clinicians and health managers that it would be best to use their finite energy in working together rather than in fighting one another.

Do you have a phobia/what is your greatest fear?

Wasps - particularly the ones that fly.

Have you ever been a patient and were you a good one?

As a medical student I was hospitalised overnight for dental surgery. I was pretty terrified and terrified patients are seldom easy.

What three books would you bring to a desert island?

Anything by William Trevor, Dervla Murphy and Niall Williams.

Have you a fail safe method of dealing with stress?

Anything that involves tedium - sailing, jigsaws, long walks, committee meetings, etc.

What is your favourite TV or radio programme?

Don't have a TV but watch the All-Irelands in the pub. Aileen, Gertie and I like to go to bed with Vincent Browne.

If you did not live in Ireland, where would you choose to spend the rest of your life?

Back in Australia, where we lived for 10 years. The "Lucky Country" is a totally apt description.

Summarise yourself in 12 words.

Innovative, itchy-arsed, optimistic, democratic, stubborn. A risk-taker and so far, lucky.

Do you use alternative medicine/therapies?

Reflexology for chronic neck pain - when you're desperate you'll try anything. What's more, it works.

Who or what makes you laugh?

Niall Toibín and his gentle savagery.

(Interview by Dr Muiris Houston)