On the Couch

Eamonn Shanahan   Family doctor and chairman of the Irish College of General Practitioners.

Eamonn Shanahan  Family doctor and chairman of the Irish College of General Practitioners.

Personal/family: Married to Margaret with two children, Bríd and Niall.

What figure from the world of medicine or health do you most admire?

My father, who was my mentor. He worked for many years as a single-handed practitioner but still found time to teach students and trainees.


What other career might you have chosen?

Engineering of some sort. I'm fascinated by electronics, mechanics and large civil engineering projects.

If you could grant three wishes for the health service, what would they be?

That we would have managers with vision, who can operate free of political interference with adequate numbers of well-trained and astute clinicians.

What is your greatest fear?


Have you ever been a patient and were you a good one?

Yes, I have been a patient and I hope I was a good one.

When or where are you happiest?

With my family on holidays.

How do you cope with stress?

Listening to music (the louder the better) or trying to take a good photo.

What is the trait you most admire in yourself?

Being able to listen.

What is the trait you most dislike in yourself?

I get irritated when things don't go to plan.

Do you use alternative or complementary medicine or therapies?

Yes, when appropriate.

Who or what makes you laugh?

Classic comedy - Fr Ted and Fawlty Towers.

What is your motto?

Don't waste time.

What is your favourite TV or radio programme?

The West Wing.

What books would you bring to a desert island?

Any of the works of Isaac Asimov.