My young son has an eye infection. His eyelids are stuck together when he wakes in the morning which he finds distressing. What is causing this and how do I clear it up?
CONVENTIONAL REMEDY: It sounds like your son is suffering from conjunctivitis. This is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, clear layer which covers the white of the eye and the inside surface of the eyelid.
It is a common problem in children and is not usually serious except in newborn infants. Bacterial infections causing conjunctivitis are very common and the bug is usually transmitted by contaminated fingers, face cloths or towels. It is more likely to happen when the child is run down, for example when he has a cold or respiratory infection. In the case of bacterial infection, both eyes are usually affected, the whites of the eyes are red and sore. Yellow pus discharges from the eyes making them sticky. During sleep, this pus causes the eyelids to stick together.
If the conjunctivitis is caused by a viral infection the eye tends to be painful and red but with a slight discharge only. Viral conjunctivitis is associated with upper respiratory infections. It can last up to two or three weeks and can be quite contagious.
It is important that you take your son to your GP to confirm the diagnosis. He will want to examine the infected eye to check a foreign body has not entered the eye without you being aware of it. Your doctor may also take a swab of the eye for laboratory analysis. Treatment is usually by antibiotic ointment or drops until the infection clears.
You should discourage your son from touching his eyes. You should wash his hands regularly and gently wipe any discharge away with disposable tissues. Towels and facecloths should not be shared.
The discharge can be gently removed with a weak solution of salt - one teaspoon only - dissolved in half a litre of warm water - 500ml. This will remove the dried discharge on waking and if done prior to applying the eye drops/ointment, will ensure the antibiotics will more easily make contact with the affected conjunctiva.
Dr Muiris HoustonALTERNATIVE REMEDY: In infections of this type homoeopathic remedies prove to be very useful. Even though the infection can be caused by either allergy or bacterial infection, the cause itself does not affect the selection of the appropriate remedy.
The following remedies have been found to be useful is such situations: The most commonly used remedy is Pulsatilla. Indications include: a discharge of a yellow or yellowy-green colour and thick (but bland). There may be a burning, aching sensation and/or itching, watering of the eyes. On an emotional level, the Pulsatilla patient is usually affectionate, their symptoms changeable, and they feel better in fresh air (but worse in stuffy rooms). If your son is restless, chilly and his eyes are very sensitive to light then Rhus tox is the remedy. Sulphur - in this situation the inflammation produces yellowish discharge and a burning sensation. The eyes will appear red especially around the rims. There is also itching and scaling and your son may complain that it feels as though there is grit in his eyes. He would also be very sensitive to bright sunlight and his eyes water easily in fresh air.
Argentum nitricum - with this remedy the discharge is obviously smelly, and yellow. The eyes are red; the eyelids and corners of his eyes red and inflamed. Your son will feel better if you use cool (not warm) water to wash his eyes. He will be anxious and excitable.
Calcarea carbonica - as with the previous remedies the eyes would be glued together in the morning, and also very sensitive to light. Particularly indicated when the patient appears to have a cold (blocked nose etc.). The child needing this remedy is normally contented and easy going, though often plump and slower to walk or talk than others.
Once you have chosen a remedy from this list then you should give your child one 30c tablet three times spread over one day only; you should notice improvement within 48 hours. If you don't it is possible that the wrong remedy has been chosen and you should reconsider your selection or seek professional homoeopathic advice.
One additional suggestion: bathing his eye three times daily with a dilution of Hypercal Tincture will bring relief in the short term.
Homoeopath Karen Doherty