Readers' letters to the HealthSupplement
Re: Muscling in on body-conscious teens, HealthSupplement, January 16th
I have just read the article titled Muscling in on body-conscious teens.
The thing that struck me most about this piece was the blurred line the author has created between creatine monohydrate and whey protein.
The article does not appear to distinguish between the two even though they are two completely different products. The front page of the HealthSupplementhas a quote about whey supplements but a picture of creatine.
I agree with the points highlighted by the pyschotherapist and the sports nutritionist relating to Creatine.
However, the author's aim appears to be to discuss whether "whey protein is a nutritious supplement".
All the ill-effects mentioned in the article relate to Creatine. I have read quite a bit around the area of supplementation and the common consensus among the "experts" seems to be that whey protein is a safe and healthy supplement.
By not distinguishing clearly between the two products, I feel the tone of the article implies that whey protein is dangerous.
Including comments from "John", who appears to be a school kid, that "he believes" that whey protein and/or creatine (I can't tell which supplement he is talking about) are dangerous for the heart seem a little alarmist and the opinions of unqualified people seem to be an unsound basis for a HealthSupplementarticle.
Lately I think that the side effects attached to Creatine are associated with all products/supplements. I feel this article does the same.
The author appeared to start with the conclusion that supplements were all bad and then looked for support for her conclusion.
Perhaps the HealthSupplementcould tackle a different supplement each week and provide more detailed findings on each?
John Mescall
Congratulations on managing to outdo your red-top competitors for pure, shameless, unfounded scaremongering and sensationalism.
Just a few of the glaring errors to be found in the article were:
Creatine and protein are two completely different supplements.
Creatine is not a brain stimulant, has been used for decades, and, after many, many scientific studies, it has never been found to have any harmful long-term effects.
As for taking the opinion of some teenage schoolboys and presenting it as scientific fact . . . Let's just say I'm embarrassed that yours is the only daily paper I ever buy.
I may have to rethink my position.
In short, it may be a good idea in future when writing an article to actually research the subject matter, instead of listening to an over-excited PTA group.
"How is a parent to know if their son's whey supplement is a good nutritious milkshake or loaded with steroids?"
Conor Kennedy
Burtonhall Road, Sandyford
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