Running back into an active lifestyle

Richard Moran's life has been transformed by his use of the Buteyko Breathing Method

Richard Moran's life has been transformed by his use of the Buteyko Breathing Method

Fourteen-year-old Richard Moran has been a chronic asthmatic since the age of 11 months. His condition was so bad that he was almost constantly on antibiotics and had to be hospitalised at least six times a year.

However, his father Peter says that since Richard started the Buteyko Breathing Method last September, he has become a different person - he has suffered only one asthma attack since then and has been able to reduce his medication significantly.

The week before Richard first went to one of Patrick McKeown's clinics in Dublin, his father had to carry him up an incline behind their house because he could not walk up the hill himself. He couldn't play football outside with his brother for more than 10 minutes without having to go inside and use his nebuliser machine.


Mr Moran explains: "Richard can now play football and run and he does not need his machine any more. The difference is unbelievable, he feels a million dollars."

Richard practises his breathing exercises every day, breathes through his nose constantly and covers his mouth with paper tape to ensure that he does not revert to mouth breathing in his sleep.

"We can't believe the difference in our child and it's all down to changing his breathing. I would not hesitate to recommend this method to anybody," Mr Moran adds.

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health and family