Stop the mindless snacking

Resist the urge to constantly graze

If you can’t beat the urge to snack try foods that take a bit of effort, like a clementine you have to peel or nuts that need to be shelled. Photograph: Thinkstock

It’s easy to snack without even realising it. A handful of nuts here, a few biscuits there. The problem is grazing is more about habit than hunger.

Try not to make snacking one more thing you do while multitasking. Instead, be mentally present and focus on the food you are consuming. That way, you will be more likely to realise when your body feels full, and you will probably enjoy your meal a lot more too.

Try to use all of your senses when you eat. Breathe in and notice how your food smells. Pay attention to the texture on your tongue. You can also try snacking on foods that take a bit of effort, like a clementine you have to peel or nuts that need to be shelled.